Specialist of The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (2006) No. 244
Specialist of the Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (2010) No. 1032
The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: Regular member, Councilor, Director, Planning affair
The Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons: Regular member, Councilor
World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoeletric Bone Surgery (WAUPS) : Regular member, fellow, diplomate
Editorial advisory board of International Journal of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone surgery (IJUPS): Official journal of WAUPS
The Korean Association of Maxillofacial Laser Dentistry: Regular Member, Editorial board – Official Journal
International Congress of Oral Implatologist (ICOI) fellow, diplomate
The Korean Academy of Infection Contol in Dentistry: Regular Member, Vice chairman
3D Dimensional Ridge Augmentation with Ring Technique using Decalcified Autogenous Tooth Block
Autogenous block bone graft has been introduced as ridge augmentation technique in implant surgery. However, this method has several disadvantages, such as postoperative pain, extended operation time, and the morbidity associated with donor site. Instead of harvesting autologous block bone, tooth block bone material can be used as an alternative since it possesses osteoinductivity.
The theme of my lecture is 3-dimensional ridge augmentation, which is performed with the ring-shaped autologous tooth block grafted into insufficient bone during dental implants surgery. The extracted molar was prepared as a powder-type graft material by using a mallet and processed after 10 min-decalcification. The other extracted molar was prepared as a block form and processed after 20 minutes of decalcification. Decalcification was performed using a machine (Vacuasonic®, Cosmobiomedicare Co, Seoul, Republic of Korea) working with vacuum compression and ultrasonic vibration to control decalcification. The implant was inserted simultaneously with ring technique using block graft, and the gap between autologous tooth block and the socket was filled with sticky tooth bone. CGF membranes were placed to protect the graft.
3-Dimensional ridge defect can be considered as challenging and risky conditions for immediate implantation. However, utilizing autogenous tooth bone as a graft material and the ring technique may lead to good clinical result of the operation. The assembly of implant fixture and tooth ring will be stably located at the desired location and will completely perform vertical and horizontal bone augmentation.
After proper decalcification process, an extracted tooth can be reformed into noble osteoinductive bone graft material for the patient. Further studies are needed for establishing this efficient treatment in such challenging cases.