President of Seoul Top Dental Hospital
Chairman, the commission of Dental Public Health of Asia pacific dental federation (APDF/APRO )
Past Director of International Affair of 30 th Korea Dental Association
Adjunct professor, Department of Dentistry, Catholic medical school
Adjunct professor, Department of Dentistry, Hallym University
Adjunct professor, Department of Dentistry, Korea university
Senior researcher of Korea implant research institute
Honorary President of New Millennium Academy
Vise-president of International congress of oral implantologist ( ICOI ) -Korea
Director of The Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Implant ( KAOMI )
Director of The Korean Academy of Esthetic dentistry ( KAED )
Director of International board The Academy of Laser Dentistry
Active member of Academy of Osseointergration ( AO )
Faculty of Apsun Dental Implant Research and education Center ( AIC)
Mastership of World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI)
Clinical Availability of Narrow Diameter Implant in the Anterior Mandibular Teeth.
In the event of a tooth loss, many dentists are making decision new teeth with implants as their first treatment plan. However, depending on the position of the teeth, the condition of the alveolar bone, and the care condition of the adjacent teeth, even the location of the same teeth can create various treatment plans. Especially, the anterior mandibular area has a narrow width and distance of the alveolar bone, which requires a lot of consideration to treat implantation in the event of tooth loss. If one tooth is transferred to a period of periodontitis and the alveolar bone is destroyed, it will affect the teeth next to it. Since long ago, Narrow Diameter implants have been used as a temporary implant for supporting temporary teeth or to enhance the support of dentures. However, I am used narrow implant as a permanent implant because the clinical results of the narrow implant in the anterior mandibular are good. In particular, the narrow diameter implant has low surgical trauma which makes it easier for patients to cooperate with the surgery. In recent years, digital implant guides are also available, so we can obtained good clinical results if we keep clinical considerations and risk factors.